DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-02-188

This proposal is publicly available since 11/16/2021


Crack tip loading from residual stress field in a dissimilar metal electron beam welded C(T) specimen after post-weld heat treatment


The experiment aims at measuring the residual stresses around the crack tip in order to determine the loading of the crack tip due to residual stresses. It is essential to identify this, as a prior step to studying the interaction of residual stresses with applied stresses [5]. In order to study the interaction of residual/applied stresses, it is first essential to determine the residual stresses. Also, previous neutron diffraction measurements on the welded plate and the C(T) specimen, prior to the introduction of the crack indicate a high magnitude of residual stress along with a very localised plastic zone in and around the weld and HAZ regions on either side of the weld centreline. With the introduction of crack, the residual stresses are relaxed because of some plastic deformation along the flanks of the crack surfaces. Also, post-weld heat treatment would further relax these stresses. Therefore it is essential to identify the residual stress/strain field around the crack-tip to understand the influence of the same on the crack growth.

Experimental Report

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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

ABBURI VENKATA Kiranmayi; COULES Harry; Dey Satyajit; PIRLING Thilo and TRUMAN Christopher. (2016). Crack tip loading from residual stress field in a dissimilar metal electron beam welded C(T) specimen after post-weld heat treatment. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-02-188

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Experiment Parameters

  • Environment temperature

    room temperature

Sample Parameters

  • Formula

    • P91 and AISI 316LN Stainless steel