DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-02-329

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The correlation of polycrystalline texture and magnetic anisotropy: Refining geophysical exploration for Strategic Ore deposits.


Shear zones are recognized as essential pieces of that architecture, representing exploration targets worldwide for strategic resources like Sn-W-Au [1, 2, 3]. The interpretation of large-scale geophysical anomalies (e.g. seismic, magnetic, gravimetric), both in structural and lithological terms, during mineral exploration in complex orogenic contexts has to rely on a quantitative knowledge of the petrophysical properties of shear zones. When minerals are deformed in a shear zone texture often develops. Therefore the aggregate of minerals in deformed rocks will show macroscopic anisotropy and potentially become, for example, a highly reflective volume in the lithosphere [4], give rise to a magnetic anomaly or both [5]. Interestingly, the correlation of deformation flow vectors, texture and elastic/magnetic anisotropy is far from being completely understood [6]. In NW Iberia, extensional collapse and late magmatic activity of the Variscan orogen coincide in time and space with Sn-W-(Ta-Nb)-Au deposits. Large shear-zones control several large-scale deposits and geophysical anomalies reveal potential new targets in depth.

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The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

GOMEZ BARREIRO Juan; BARRIOS SANCHEZ Santos; Morales, J. and PUENTE ORENCH Ines. (2021). The correlation of polycrystalline texture and magnetic anisotropy: Refining geophysical exploration for Strategic Ore deposits.. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-02-329

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