DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-05-90

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Chemo-hydro-mechanics of partiallysaturated hydro-sensitive granularmedia


Several engineering problems originate from the complex chemo-hydro-mechanical interactions of granular media. In food and pharmaceutical industries, most materials (e.g., rice, pasta, sugar, ...) are highly affected by the presence of humidity and/or moisture. While the role of moisture on the mechanical response of impermeable granular media is relatively well understood, organic materials have the additional complexity of the inter- and intra-granular chemical interaction with water (e.g., grain agglomeration because of the production of mucilage, swelling-induced stresses, caking, etc). Purpose of this proposal is to study the spatial distribution of the moisture driving these phenomena (both within and in-between grains). This follows a series of in-operando x-ray experimental campaigns performed by our group and focussing the evolution of the granular skeleton and which allowed the quantification of inter- and intra-granular strains. The combined use of neutron tomography (to study the evolving moisture distribution) and of simultaneous x-ray imaging (to study the evolving granular skeleton) is essential to understand their complex interplay.

Experimental Report

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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

VEGO Ilija; Edward Andō; LENOIR Nicolas; TENGATTINI Alessandro and VIGGIANI Gioacchino. (2021). Chemo-hydro-mechanics of partiallysaturated hydro-sensitive granularmedia. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-05-90

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