DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-10-49

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Absolute inelastic neutron scattering cross sections of clathrate hydrate compounds for new very-cold-neutron moderators


The general goal of this proposal is the measurement of inelastic neutron scattering cross sections (S(q,omega)) of clathrate hydrate compounds in absolute units. These materials are particularly promising candidates for new moderators for very cold neutrons to enhance intensities in the long wavelength tail of existing cold sources. The proposed experiments shall complement an experiment to be executed in spring 2021 at the cold ToF spectrometer IN5, in order to cover the needed large range of q and omega. Additional measurements at D7 shall be used to determine cage filling of a binary clathrate hydrate with molecular oxygen, and also the H/D ratio independently from diffraction experiments at D20. The results of the whole effort will provide a valuable data base for model calculations of moderation efficiencies in realistic configurations

Experimental Report

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The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

ZIMMER Oliver; CALZAVARA Yoann; CZAMLER Valentin; Thomas C. Hansen; JAMALIPOUR Mostafa; Esben Klinkby; KOZA Michael Marek; KUHS Werner Friedrich; NEULINGER Thomas; OLLIVIER Jacques; ROLS Stephane; WAGNER Richard; WILDES Andrew and ZANINI Luca. (2021). Absolute inelastic neutron scattering cross sections of clathrate hydrate compounds for new very-cold-neutron moderators. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-10-49

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