DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-20-69

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Developing new analysis methods for fixed window scans for soft colloidal suspensions


The instrument design of IN16b allows to measure specific energy transfers with a high energy resolution by so-called elastic and inelastic fixed window scans (E/IFWS). This measurement method permits to reduce the acquisition time from the several hours needed for a single full spectrum down to less than a minute for an E/IFWS point. So far, this method has mainly been applied to polymer and glass systems as well as hydrated protein powders. Here we propose to acquire accurate calibration data to extend this method to suspensions of soft colloids such as proteins. In this way, the method can be applied to kinetically evolving systems such as proteins crystallizing from solution or assembly processes as e.g. in pathological protein aggregation diseases. The challenge for these samples consists in the superposition of different contributions to the measured signal - notably from the colloid global and internal diffusion and from the solvent - which can only be achieved by accurate calibration data from well characterized systems. These systems would not by themselves make the case for a college 8 or 9 proposal, but the data will be crucial to proceed with the E/IFWS method.

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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

BECK Christian; BUCHHOLZ Cara; MATSARSKAIA Olga; REICHART Lara; ROOSEN RUNGE Felix; Frank Schreiber and SEYDEL Tilo. (2021). Developing new analysis methods for fixed window scans for soft colloidal suspensions. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-20-69

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