Low energy spin fluctuation in superoxygenated La(2)CuO(4+y)
In La(2)CuO(4+y) (LCO+O) the existence and size of a spin fluctuation gap has not yet been established, although both an elastic magnetic signal and spin fluctuations in the 2-4 meV range have been observed in crystals with varying oxygen content and Tc in the range 30-42K [11]. We intend to establish whether there is a gap in a highly oxygenated (superoxygenated) and good quality LCO+O single crystal and measure the details of the spin fluctuation spectrum. This is an important task in order to understand the fundamental influence of superoxygenation on the magnetic phase both in LCO+O itself but also as a basis for understanding the Sr/O co-doped system and its electronic phase separation. We aim to perform the first low-energy experiments on LCO+O, and clarify the magnetic response of the system. From this we will conclude about similarities to stripe-like 1/8 doped systems, as well as examine the role of the annealed oxygen dopants vs. the more studied quenched Sr doped systems La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4).
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UDBY Linda; ANDERSEN Niels Hessel; CHANG Johan; N. B. Christensen; Henrik Jacobsen; LEFMANN Kim; NIEDERMAYER Christof; Pia J. Ray; SCHMIDT Wolfgang F and WELLS Barrett. (2013). Low energy spin fluctuation in superoxygenated La(2)CuO(4+y). Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.4-01-1327