Detailed study of low-energy spin excitations in underdopedLSCO with x=0.08 (superconducting) and x=0.05 (non-superconducting)
The pairing mechanism responsible for superconductivity in high temperature superconductors (HTSC) is still, to a large extend, an unresolved question. It is believed that the relationship between spin and charge orders holds some of the answers to the pairing mechanism. We therefore propose a detailed study of the spin modulation fluctuations, so called dynamic stripes. Contrary to previous observations on optimally doped samples, our highly underdoped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 (LSCO) single crystal with x=0.08 showed a suppression of the dynamic magnetic stripes signal by an applied magnetic field. We now want to perform a detailed investigation of the magnetic field dependence of dynamic stripes in a x=0.08 (superconducting) and a x=0.05 (non-superconducting) as to compare results inside and outside of the superconducting dome.
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TUTUEANU Ana Elena; BOEHM Martin; ELIASEN Kira; LEFMANN Kim; STEFFENS Paul and TEJSNER Tim Birger. (2018). Detailed study of low-energy spin excitations in underdopedLSCO with x=0.08 (superconducting) and x=0.05 (non-superconducting). Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.4-02-526