Study of the normal state magnetic fluctuations in LSCO superconductor under applied magnetic field
The promoter of this proposed experiment is the result of our recent neutron scattering experiment which shows a change in behavior of the magnetic signal across the transition from an insulator to a superconductor in LSCO. Our superconducting sample displayed a spectral weight shift, upon application of a magnetic field, of low energy fluctuations to even lower energies, picked up in the elastic channel. Interestingly enough, we observed a similar field suppression of the low energy fluctuations in a non-superconducting sample. However the lost spectral weight was not recovered in the elastic signal. We propose a search for a field enhancement of the signal in the high energy regime for our non-superconducting sample at IN8. At the same time we would like to study the temperature driven normal state of our superconducting sample at Thales in order to better understand the role of magnetic fluctuation in the emergence of superconductivity.
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TUTUEANU Ana Elena; BOEHM Martin; LEFMANN Kim; NEACSU Vlad Andrei; A. T. Rømer; STEFFENS Paul and TEJSNER Tim Birger. (2019). Study of the normal state magnetic fluctuations in LSCO superconductor under applied magnetic field. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.4-02-546