Study of high energy magnetic fluctuations in non-superconducting LSCO under applied magnetic field
The promoter of this proposed experiment is the result of our recent neutron scattering measurements which show a change in behavior of the magnetic signal across the transition from an insulator to a superconductor in LSCO. Our superconducting sample displayed a spectral weight shift, upon application of a magnetic field, of low energy fluctuations to even lower energies, picked up in the elastic channel. Interestingly enough, we observed a similar field suppression of the low energy fluctuations in a non-superconducting sample. However the lost spectral weight was not recovered in the elastic signal. We propose a search for a magnetic field enhancement of the spin fluctuations in the high energy regime for our non-superconducting LSCO sample at IN8.
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TUTUEANU Ana Elena; BOEHM Martin; LEFMANN Kim; NOCERINO Elisabetta; PIOVANO Andrea; A. T. Rømer; SASSA Yasmine; STEFFENS Paul and TEJSNER Tim Birger. (2020). Study of high energy magnetic fluctuations in non-superconducting LSCO under applied magnetic field. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.4-02-564
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