Neutron diffraction experiment on structural ordering/degradation insight of hybrid perovskite solar cells
The field of photovoltaics and energy harvesting has been deeply impacted recently by the appearance of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) as a new material for solar energy conversion. The unique combination of high performance and low-cost fabrication processes of PSCs make them the ideal candidate to be implemented in solar cell devices. For a full understanding of the underlying mechanisms leading to the optimal properties of PSCs, it is a requirement to investigate the structural phase transitions occurring in them, with the ultimate goal of establishing a direct relation between their efficiency and the perovskite symmetry, organic cation/halide mixture ordering/distribution within the inorganic lead-iodide net, as well as their degradation processes. In this context, we aim at studying the crystalline structures of mixed FA/MA halide PSCs with the objective of establishing a relation between the PCE and the crystal structure symmetry, as well as the FA/MA and halide mixture position and distribution within the crystal structure. In addition to this, we also want to study the effect of degradation on the PSCs.
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PORRO AZPIAZU Jose Maria; Roberto Fernández de Luis; RODRIGUEZ VELAMAZAN Jose Alberto; SALADO Manuel and VALVERDE DE MINGO Ainara. (2020). Neutron diffraction experiment on structural ordering/degradation insight of hybrid perovskite solar cells. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.5-21-1144
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