Incommensurate magnetic order in underdoped LSCO close to the insulator-superconductor boundary
The interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in the copper oxide high Tc superconductors remains a subject for intense study. In recent experiments on underdoped LSCO (x=0.06 and x=0.07) a strong peak at the forbidden (100) position together with a quartet of incommensurate peaks at (±delta; 1±delta; 0) were observed. These peaks are usually ascribed to AFM order and stripes that disappear around TN ~ Tc < 40 K, respectively. Surprisingly, both sets of peaks were present up to room temperature. Unlike previous studies, that found the incommensurability (delta) to be constant and identical to the doping (x) up to x=0.12, we find that the incommensurability in our samples is approximately half the doping at base temperature and even smaller at increased T. We aim to resolve the origin of these structures, magnetic or nuclear, with polarized diffraction using the same LSCO samples.
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TUTUEANU Ana Elena; BOEHM Martin; N. B. Christensen; ELIASEN Kira; FOLKERS Laura; LEFMANN Kim; A. T. Rømer; SASSA Yasmine; SCHMIDT Wolfgang F and TEJSNER Tim Birger. (2018). Incommensurate magnetic order in underdoped LSCO close to the insulator-superconductor boundary. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.5-41-932