DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.6-02-589

This proposal is publicly available since 09/21/2023


Dynamics in super-concentrated acetonitrile/LiTFSI electrolytes


Studies have shown that highly concentrated Li-salt to acetonitrile solutions show a remarkable electrochemical stability. The increased electrochemical stability is not yet well understood, and insight into the changes in structure and dynamics will help in the development of better performing electrolytes. The proposed experiment on IN16B will investigate how Li-salt concentration affects the dynamic properties of the electrolytes by combining data from IN16B with previous data from IN6, Raman spectroscopy to determine the average local coordination around the Li-ions, and by comparing with predictions from molecular dynamics simulations. The aim is to elucidate what drives the conduction mechanism in these new super-concentrated electrolytes

Experimental Report

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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

HANSEN Henriette Wase; APPEL Markus; Bernhard Frick; LUNDIN Filippa; MATIC Aleksandar and RIZELL Josef Axel Magnus. (2018). Dynamics in super-concentrated acetonitrile/LiTFSI electrolytes. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.6-02-589

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Experiment Parameters

  • Environment temperature

    10-350 K
  • Experiment energy

    2.08 meV / 6.27 Å
  • Experiment moment

    0.1 - 1.8 Å^-1
  • Experiment res energy

    0.75 µeV
  • Experiment res moment

    0.1 Å^-1

Sample Parameters

  • Formula

    • Acetonitrile/LiTFSI