Neutron diffraction with isotope substitution study of levitated liquid Fe2SiO4
We will measure the structure of liquid fayalite (Fe2SiO4) using the method of neutron diffraction with 57-Fe isotope substitution. Liquid fayalite is of particular geological interest as it represents the Fe-rich end member of the olivine group of minerals, the most abundant component of the Earth's mantle. First order difference function methods will reveal detailed insight into the local Fe-O structure in the melt by eliminating the overlapping Si-O and O-O correlations which hinder conventional diffraction measurements. A second order difference function will yield the Fe-Fe partial structure factor, thus providing detailed insight not only into the local liquid structure, but also probing structural ordering on higher range length scales. The results will be combined with new molecular dynamics simulations in order to build a reliable atomistic model of the liquid structure and relate this to physical properties, such as density and viscosity, which control magma migration and glass formation.
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James W E Drewitt; BARNES Adrian C.; CORMIER Laurent; Henry E. Fischer; HENNET Louis; KOHN Simon; Neuville D. R. and WALTER Michael. (2019). Neutron diffraction with isotope substitution study of levitated liquid Fe2SiO4. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.6-03-441