Crossover of collective dynamics from intermediate to intramolecular length scales: the role of inter-molecular interactions
We want to investigate the behavior of collective dynamics at the mesoscale and the crossover toward intermolecular length scales in systems with different kinds of predominant inter-molecular interactions, e. g., van der Waals vs H-bonds, or under the constraints of intramolecular connectivity (polymers). Mainly due to the contamination of the low-Q signal by incoherent scattering, this is a challenging problem, even using fully deuterated samples. By means of PLET (the ToF instrument at ISIS with Polarization Analysis capabilities) we have isolated the collective dynamics of heavy water, and, more recently, of deuterated tetrahydrofuran and deuterated poly(ethylene oxide). For a complete characterization of the collective and self-motions in a wide length scales and temperature range, we want to combine those results with WASP experiments. WASP offers a huge Q-range (in particular, extending towards the mesoscale) and an exceptional resolution. These two state-of-the-art and complementary instruments shall shed light on this intriguing and still `white areaż on the relaxation map of glass-forming systems.
The data is currently only available to download if you are a member of the proposal team.
The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:
Arantxa Arbe; ALVAREZ Fernando; COLMENERO Juan; FARAGO Bela and Jose A Martinez-Gonzalez. (2021). Crossover of collective dynamics from intermediate to intramolecular length scales: the role of inter-molecular interactions. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.6-05-1043
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