Structural characterization of the self assembly of biological Nanowires.
Recently SANS at the ILL was used to generate the molecular envelope of a transmembrane 20 heme cytochrome complex. We have generated new forms of this complex by recombining the component proteins and added new ligands close to potential heme sites. We now wish to use small angle neutron scattering 2 to generate scattering curves of the new complexes in Fos-choline at the deuterium match point of 15 %. These scattering curves will help to determine how the complexes assembled in vitro differ from the native form.
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Thomas Andrew Clarke; BUTT Julea; Marcus J Edwards; MARTEL Anne and PIPER Samuel. (2020). Structural characterization of the self assembly of biological Nanowires.. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.8-03-986