DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.9-12-621

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Decorating gold nanoparticles with cyclic polymer chains: effect of topology on the properties of the corona


DLS experiments on Au-nanoparticles with grafted PEO chains suggest a more extended conformation for cyclic polymers than for their linear analogues in the brushes of the corona. By means of SANS on solutions where the solvent matches the gold core, we want to determine the scattering length density profile of the corona for both topologies as a function of the molecular mass and graft density.

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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

BARROSO BUJANS Fabienne; Arantxa Arbe; GRZELCZAK Marek and PORCAR Lionel. (2021). Decorating gold nanoparticles with cyclic polymer chains: effect of topology on the properties of the corona. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.9-12-621

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