DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.9-13-739

This proposal is publicly available since 06/20/2023


SANS characterization of aquaporin-containing silica-reinforced PC liposomes for use in energy-efficient and selective water filtration


Despite the abundancy of sea water there are 663 million people that lack access to safe drinking water. This problem is attributed to excessive energy consumption and hence cost coupled to desalination of sea water into drinking water. Calculations show that the energy consumption of water desalination can be reduced to one third, which would make a significant impact on safe drinking water availability. We use biomimicry to develop an energy-efficient desalination filter which is based on aquaporins, water channeling proteins that transport water across the cell membrane. We have stabilized functional aquaporins in the lipid bilayer of vesicles and are now aiming for improving the system in terms of robustness. We are doing so by introducing silica in the bilayer surrounding the aquaporins. In this proposal, we aim to study the composition of silicified aquaporin-containing PC bilayers using SANS. We are also eager to investigate if silicification alters the conformation of the aquaporins, which possess both transmembrane domains and extracellular domains. In addition to filter development, this study is of more general interest in terms of transmembrane protein stabilization.

Experimental Report

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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

ANDERSSON Martin; Fredrik Börjesson Sandén; CARDENAS; HOOK Fredrik H; ISAKSSON Simon; LUND Reidar; MARIC Selma and PREVOST Sylvain. (2018). SANS characterization of aquaporin-containing silica-reinforced PC liposomes for use in energy-efficient and selective water filtration. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.9-13-739

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Experiment Parameters

  • Environment temperature

  • Experiment moment

    0.008 to 0.6 Ĺ-1
  • Experiment res moment


Sample Parameters

  • Formula

    • proteoliposils
    • Proteoliposomes