DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.TEST-2786

This proposal is publicly available since 03/08/2022


HERCULES 2017 practicals - session B


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Experimental Report

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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

GRENIER Beatrice; APPEL Markus; BORGER Anine; CASTELLVI TOLEDO Albert; DEME Bruno; DMITRIEV Artem; FARDIN Luca; FOUQUET Peter; GARCIA BONETE Maria Jose; GERELLI YURI; Nicolai Tidemand Johansen; KEPPLER Julia; Charlotte Lorenz; MACOSEK Jakub; MAHIEU Emilie; MANGIN-THRO Lucile; MARTEL Anne; MCGREGOR Lindsay; MUKHINA Tetiana; MUNKE Anna; NYIRI Kinga; David M. Partouche; PERUZZI Niccolo; PETERS Judith; PIAZZA Irina; PLUTA Radoslaw; POUNOT Kevin; RYBERG Line Abildgaard; SHIH I-Chih (Orion); Sutisna, Burhannudin; F.G. Tidemand; Sarah Waldie and ZELLER Dominik. (2017). HERCULES 2017 practicals - session B. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.TEST-2786

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Experiment Parameters

Sample Parameters

  • Formula

    • standard instrument samples