DOI > 10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-04-162

This proposal is publicly available since 09/23/2024


Following tellurium deposition in mesoporous cubic silica by in situ time-of-flight GISANS


Mesoporous silica films with 8-10 nm pores have been produced in our labs by Evaporation Induced Self Assembly (EISA). These shall be used as template for the fabrication of nanostructured thermoelectric devices, which requires the electrodeposition of Te into the porous structure. Diffusion into the pores is limited due to their size, which is why ultra-short pulses have to be used in order to obtain homogeneous filling as otherwise, individual pores might fill up quickly and become the center of deposition. Using TOF-GISANS, we want to reveal under which conditions the deposition happens from the bottom to the top of the film and at which depth the likelihood of parasitic nucleation is highest. This experiment will also indicate, whether the filling of the cubic network with a hexagonal structure is possible, which might happen in the mass-transport limited deposition regime.

Experimental Report

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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is in the following format:

MOEHL Gilles Ernest; CUBITT Robert; HECTOR Andrew and LI SHAO. (2019). Following tellurium deposition in mesoporous cubic silica by in situ time-of-flight GISANS. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.1-04-162

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Experiment Parameters

  • Environment temperature

    room temperature
  • Experiment energy


Sample Parameters

  • Formula

    • Mesoporous cubic silica film